Pain is life. Pain is the beginning and the ending, the trials and tribulations. Pain has a place and a time. It is not loved but it gives a person perspective. One's pain is only a sliver of this world's problems. It is hard to gauge pain on a worldly level but the pain has made only made us stronger. And maybe the world is getting stronger through the pain.
My grandfather, a Korean war vet, walked with persistence and vigor through this world to his last days. He suffered the pain that made him into the courageous and heroic man he was. I can only imagine how much pain he had, not only throughout his numbed body that had been bitten by frost bite but all the emotional pain, that could drive anyone crazy with anguish and grief. How anyone could suffer that much pain and come out being a stronger individual is beside me. I cannot fathom how our military heroes suffer so much pain and fight to protect a nation that they may never see again. I can only say thank you to all those brave soldiers that risk the pain for a better world.
Pain is a piece of you and a piece of me. Pain comes from creation and destruction.
Emily Dickinson wrote several poems on pain and loneliness of which she suffered. Emily lived in Amherst, MA. She wrote over 1,170 poems while she lived almost none of which she published. After her death, her younger sister submitted many of the poems. One of Emily's most notorious poems details pain, "After Great Pain, A Formal Feeling Comes." This poem is about suffering and death. "The feets wooden way" is indicative of a wooden casket. "Like a stone," in reference to a headstone.
Pain is a constant companion for many of us. But we were all made to withstand its fatal blows and come out a stronger individual. We were all created to withstand pain.
You can't outrun pain it will always catch you in your tracks... when you least expect it. So be strong.
Que sera, sera.
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