Saturday, February 25, 2017

The Tree

I look at the tree
Covered in snow
Its arms outstretched
As if it knew me.

Friday, February 24, 2017

The Kite

The kite swept me down 
The peak
Covered in purple snow.

Where I counted
My dreams
Toiled into a dream weaver.

Spun intricately
Wholly unknown.

People see the kite 
Bumbling along 
The parched ground
And turn their heads.

Children blink listlessly.

The kite lands in a tree.
Skewered by time.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Delphiniums and Roses

Have you ever arranged a bouquet?

Its easy

All you need is a mason jar, scissors, flowers and water.

These flowers above are delphiniums and roses.

If you'd like to grow your own flowers you will need to find the sun exposure of the flowers you'd like to plant including the pH of the soil needed. The pH stands for potential of Hydrogen.  pH is calculated on a basic to acidic scale. The scale is from 0 acidic to 14 basic , 7 is neutral. Hydrochloric acid has a pH of 0. This may seem rather foreign but in fact you are around pH levels all day. For instance, according to, coffee can have anywhere from the pH of 4 to 4.6 and beer has a pH of 3. Whole milk is also somewhat acidic at 6.9.
The pH also applies to vegetables and fruits you consume.

When arranging a bouquet the colors can be varied, however, sticking to to 2-4 color schemes is what is most commonly done.

The mason jars can be found at local thrift or antique stores. You're relatives might have a couple too.

I hope this post has been informative to your Springtime planting.


Tuesday, February 21, 2017

The Penguins Escaped

The Penguins Escaped

The Penguins escaped
Out the front door of your heart.
That had turned black
Like a seal.

Against the white I grew in
A white mink.
A spotless mammal.

Greed and malice has separated us.
The blackened corpse of your heart holds a faint memory in my mind.

Like a seal lost on a lonely iceberg.