Monday, July 25, 2016

Blue Bottle

Blue bottle blue bottle
Full of hopes, lies and dreams.
Dreams; are those even virtuous?

Blue bottle full of lies and hope
Like some ancient fairy tale.
To teach children what's good and right.

Blue bottle blue bottle
You give me no insight.
Just fear.
For my future, my footprint, my life.

Blue bottle blue bottle
Your promises seem shaky,
"All that we see or seem is all a dream within a dream. "

Blue bottle blue bottle
I'll defeat you at last
A dream is a dream
No matter how big
Or how small.
So blue bottle I will conquer them all.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Life Cycle

We stick together
like a grape bunch.
Until a final decision is made.
"Stay in our bunch and enjoy our company."

Grow older, you can become finer
A Chardonnay or Sauvignon?
A finer wine
Made from the roots you grew up in.
Combined through the years
with accomplishments and fermentations.
Grafted with different grapes,
Splitting the vine
Penetrating the vine through the two diagonal cuts
The vintner assembles
Bonding the two vines to produce something a new variety.
As the two vines joined are maturing faster they will lose strength
Their days of bearing fruit are over,
The young branch must bear the weight of production.
So is this lifecycle.